Sunday, June 29, 2008

Dad has sniffed me out!

Countdown: 6 more days until Grandparents-Barbour are back in Canada!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Finn's Favoritest Birthday Present Ever!

Sad to say, soon after this video, it became clear that the gut fireworks weren't over yet... Baby Finn explored the depths of reverse peristalsis alongside his hapless mother for the next 12 hours. Happy Birthday!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Short (accidental) clip of 3 babies... so cute...

...until baby Finn got the stomach flu from one of them...

Babies, babies, everywhere!

Fights ensue over Great-Grandpa Luman's wonderful rocking-horse:


Thanks, Auntie Jill, for my stacking Tupperware buckets!

And Auntie Leina and Uncle Joe for my awesome toque that Auntie Cara made!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Baby's First Birthday!

Hi Grandpa and Grandma in Germany; thanks for your phone message on my birthday! - Finn

Friday, June 13, 2008

Baby's First Puppy... Interaction!

Finn meets Solveigh's last puppy from her last batch ever...

But the puppy wants to play with Finn and this is Finn's face when the puppy gets too playful...

Play it by Ear

(He had been getting increasingly antsy - until he found his ear:)

Stair-Master, I climb stairs faster!

(This is Finn's first attempt at stairs. The stairs at our house are barely passable by us (SO dirty), so Finn attacked with gusto the stairs at his Grandparents-Kowalsky's house. His next feat a few hours later was climbing all 14! Way to go Finn!)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Comin' to help Papa!

(Finn loves "air toys", he always sucks on his bath toys and loves it when we squeeze air into his mouth. Here we are trying just that with Great-Grandma Bergstrom's turkey baster!)