Friday, March 18, 2011

Finn's First Wishbone

Anticlimactic at best. But so nice to be visited by Aunt Robyn!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Snow Cave

Snow Tunnel

It was +2 today!

And it's supposed to be "warm" (above -10?) until the end of March! Time to enjoy the snow before it melts!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Shining Armor

I thought I got him saying "helmet" on video, but I didn't start soon enough. Cute nonetheless.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Oh Sick!

We had just washed his backside in the tub as is our norm - and in this video he is finishing his job in the tub (surprise! - should have sat him on the potty!). He's referring to the messy diaper in the toilet.

It happened on the way home...

... from this year's first buggy trip to the grocery store. Who cares if it was -14? It was a warm -14 and the sun was shining no one got0 cold and we (I) had a bad case of cabin fever. And it looks like it was quite a long walk for Finneas.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Someone put pee in my pants!


We know, it's really a "re-bounder", but try and tell that to a little boy... Whenever the song comes on, the trampoline has to come out (or vice versa).

Best $10 we've spent yet!