Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Monday, June 29, 2009

Elevator or Alligator?

After our visit to the Biology building, we headed to the Ag building to ride the elevator (Finn kept yelling "Alligator!")...

He was caught and consequences (for not listening to "come") were appropriately meted out.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Dagu

These little critters are at the University where we took Nathan, Steph, and their girls to see the dinosaur skeletons. Even Steph was amazed by the dinosaur's size; I guess she hasn't yet been to Drumheller. There are also some habitat-specific aquariums full of special fish, some birds, lizards and toads.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Special Cousin Visit!

Complete with even MORE presents...

But best of all, family-company! And in my size!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Big Boys

Didn't quite catch all the action here, but Finn tries to duplicate Papa's exercises! He runs off asking for "apple seed" which is his word for the one vitamin C tablet he gets to chew when Papa comes home :)

Monday, June 22, 2009

A Morning Bath - Whatever for?

Because of a record explosion in my britches - and to try out my new bubble blower from Aunt Jill!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Present from Grandpa & Grandma B!

All the way from Germany! Thanks! And thanks, Aunt Jill, for bringing it up.

Finn's pretty excited about his big boy farm puzzle.

Laser Stomp

Looks like Bora is in good company :)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Finn WON a Bike!

It was Grandma's idea to walk to visit Papa just before he finished work so we could all walk together to Canadian Tire...

The story is that I received a phone call yesterday and the lady on the other side asked if she could speak to Finn. Annoyed, (thinking it was a telemarketer), I said in a deadpan voice that Finn was only 2 years old - and she quickly went on to say that he had won a bike at Canadian Tire! Last week, Finn and I had gone through the self-check-out stations twice and he noticed the fancy blue bike hanging from the ceiling and the till-helper-lady suggested we enter the draw - which we did! The odds! And on his birthday, too!

Of course, we missed recording the exclamations, "Bike! Bike! Ride it? Ride it??"! It came with a helmet (for a 5 year old), knee pads, and a little horn. He may fit the bike in 2 years? :)

Finn's Birthday Morning

Well what a special day. Made special because Aunt Leina, Uncle Joe, Grandma and Grandpa drove up from Medicine Hat to spend the weekend with us. We first enjoyed a waffle brunch feast (but not before Finn opened his first present of red sandals from Grandpa and Grandma) and then enjoyed the morning outside after Finn opened some sandbox toys that were immediately put to use!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


The "Daisy - drop your guns!" is a quote from one of his books about a clumsy cowboy who saves the day (without violence :)

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Finn visited his Great-Grandparents this weekend and we were surprised to find that his Great-Aunt Laura and Uncle Jamie had left a box for him... full of Jamie's vintage toys from when he was a kid. See for yourself how Finn responded!

This is the kind of stuff we search for every weekend at garage sales and here it arrived en masse - and much more special because it's from someone we know! We wrote Jamie's name or initials on the bottom of all the cars.

Finn would wake up in the morning or from his nap asking for them! I don't think anything we have for him for his birthday this Friday will hold a candle to this... :)

Still going strong on day two:

Thanks so much, Jamie and Laura.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sidewalk Chalk

To think that we found the whole pail for a $1 at the MCC thrift store!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I Love Grapefruit

This is Finn's first time eating a grapefruit half all by himself:

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Thanks, Grandpa K for making all the shapes for my box! I've been playing with it a lot lately.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Drawcar! Drawcar! (one word)

Ok, well he didn't say it during this peek at a colouring episode, but it's usually peppered with the title phrase "DRAWCAR, Drawcar!?!". :)


Comfy-Cozy, Tuck-it, tuck-it!

All by himself, we heard him in the other room:


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Falling Into Place

He said this word out of the blue a month or so ago when we were at my Mom's in MH - he was carrying a large plastic version of the animal and said it loud and clear, all of a sudden! What a guy...

Like Finn's "new" table? I've been looking for one for a long time and found it by chance at the Salvation Army here. Hooray!