Sunday, April 26, 2009

Samich Artist in Training

Earl and the Veyron

Present from Germany!

Did you notice that he started saying "car!" before we even opened the box; and started saying "Audi" the moment he saw the packaged cars?! Weird.

Thank-you Grandpa and Grandma! I say "Veyron" and "Audi" and those are my favorite cars right now.


We took a special Sunday afternoon trip to go see some lambs at a neighbour's farm (Meridith Knodel) and he didn't really pay much attention to them! He was more interested in their "pack" of cats...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

White is the New Green

So much for yard work; 5 minutes later the blizzard came and left 6" of the fluffy white stuff on all the new green stuff! Oi:

Lethbridge Revisited - and BORA too!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


The gate is open! AHH! Renae runs from the kitchen to prevent the boy from completing his compulsive run to the street!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Bedtime Potty

For the record, after one solid success back in January, we've had months of daily "potty-sitting" with no "results" (as is the case here). But as of April 17th, there has been a total been 3 significant successes: as usual, Finn says "Potty!" but these times, after a leisurely read, 2 - #2's have resulted and 1 - #1. Come on, that's really exciting!

Here's the Drill:


Anybody Home?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

ManDiva Rides Again!

It's Melting! ...and MUDDY! Fun!

Barbour Water Torture

(We're in the centre and very back of the frame)...

Unfortunately, Finn started crying before we even left the change room and didn't really stop until we returned to the same change room and he discovered (to my surprise!) the delights of a big, tiled family-change-room shower. Wet-faced giggles ensued. Bizarre.
This was the first time we'd been to this facility, so we're going next week to "practice" (the class is cancelled during Easter break), so hopefully our next lesson will be a more positive experience for both!?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Sweet Cheeks

I love the things he talks about when he wakes - the other day, the first thing he said was "Theresa", the neighbour lady next door whom we visit each week!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

2009 Sandbox Debut

Pretty special - and exciting to spend more time outside - although the sand does look a bit frozen still!

Saturday, April 4, 2009


I love seeing the recognition spread over his features when I say the word "smoothie". His pregnant mamma likes to have one per a day and hence Finn asks for them repeatedly throughout the day: "soonie! soonie!"

Wonderful Wild Place (with dogs everywhere!)

Finn and I went on attempt #2 to find a "wild place" by the river (so we can take Nathan & Stephanie and their girls when they come to visit) and this time, we succeeded! I was enriched by being out of doors in such a beautiful place and Finn was in his glory as this park is the major off-leash dog-walk in Saskatoon; we saw no fewer than 20 canines who all gave him "juiceeee" kisses...

I think he ate "yellow" snow only once...?

Friday, April 3, 2009

Before-Breakfast Colouring with Papa

White Truck!

This is Finn's first consistent and very repeated favorite phrase (and so articulate!) - he asks every morning to be held up to the kitchen window to see the truck parked behind the fence across the alley in a neighbour's yard (very exciting for this little boy)... He talks about it all morning :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Wise Man Built his House.... out of Cardboard?



We drove out to the Meewasin Interpretive Centre to try to find access to a "wild" piece of river bank, but the place was under construction. We went in anyway and played outside at the playground instead.