Monday, December 15, 2008

Puzzling Circles

This was taken before Finn and I even left for Medicine Hat - but it is Finn footage nonetheless...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Some Very Fancy Footwork

(Posted from our "new" computer: a swanky eMac... so fast compared to the iBook. Luxury.)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Red Bagged!

Seems like all the good stuff happens when it's dark - then again, it just gets dark so early these days!

A Single Pea in a Pod

Monday, December 8, 2008

Uh Oh...

Even with all the lights deliberately turned on, this is dark, but all you really need is to hear what's going on.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

King of the Castle!

Since the last post, the iBook died (the classic "logic board" issue; no video, but hardrive still intact and accessible via firewire) so we're using the iMac as our machine now and you can only imagine how slow it is to upload videos on the ol 'iMac. Pardon our new iTurtle speed!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I love my wagon

Thanks, Grandpa K!

(Can you even see these dark ones? Let me know, because if not, I'll stop wasting both our times :)

Monday, November 10, 2008

My Backyard with Snow!

I videotaped this from the kitchen window (hence no sound and hence the wobbly camera due to zooooom).

Check out the "spot" smack dab on his forehead - minutes eariler, whilst in the sandbox, he pitched forward in his yet ungangley snow gear and planted a nice big piece of wet sand where you see it :) The picture below shows it off a bit better:

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Baba-Dee Interview

Have I already asked pardon for the "GAP" hoodie? It was a hand-me-down and he wears it to bed in lieu of using a blanket.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Barbour Siblings Unite!

These videos were taken TODAY at Robyn's house in Regina, so all the ones taken before this (Halloween, etc.) you'll have to scroll down to see later, but it's just so nice to be all together and we wanted you (namely, Parents-Barbour) to "enjoy being with us" today :)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

"Hazel's" Pony!

Hazel enjoys coming upstairs for a ride on "her" horse. "Weeeeeeee!"

SpaceMan Spiff Makes Alphabet Soup.

I love it when Finn plays contentedly on the floor as I work in the kitchen. He's such a pleasant baby! (Baby or little boy? Ah!) Lately he's really been into pouring and transferring toys from one receptacle to the other. So sweet!

Spaceman Spiff!

Hi Mr. Spiff!

Papa, Read me a Book! (Please)

Finn's been requesting book readings for a couple weeks now, but his faster-than-light page turning is a new "skill"!

Monday, October 20, 2008


Finn demonstrates at home the laws of gravity that he discovered the weekend we ate Thanksgiving dinner at Lee and Twila's:

(And sorry for the shakey-cam; I had zoomed in initially because he was across the room, but then he walked towards me and once you've zoomed in for a video, you can't un-zoom while you're taping. So there's my disclaimer :)

Computer Wiz

He had been putting "input" (scraps of the old phonebook) into the empty drive slot, but as it always is, he stopped by the time the camera came out!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mealtime Antics

He still shows no real preference for one hand over the other:

Looks like meal time's over, Mama!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Nuts and Rocks

Hope they're not too dark?

Baby Finn's favorite thing of late is to "dump and fill". Here he has (and many times before) dumped Grandma K's nuts from their reindeer basket and mixed them with the special rocks from the candle holder (a plate). A "fun" sorting task for mama after, as the "fill" part of this equation is usually left undone.

The "motorboat" sound he came up with all by himself the other day.

And some more real walking action.

Monday, October 13, 2008

I'm gonna get yoouuuuu!

He usually stops in mid-crawl and waits to be caught, but we didn't seem to quite "catch" it on this video. Cute anyhoo.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What is going on in the Kowalsky's Backyard?

A Thanksgiving weekend surprise! (The influence of our new Uncle Joe is far-reaching and highly effective. The natural K siblings could never have convinced their father to rent one, ever! Whoa. :)

Baby Finn's contribution: VB CA Ω ZZZZΩ¸ (from the "hand" of babes - he got ahold of the keyboard and was gleefully pressing the buttons :) Hey, how did he make that omega symbol? Our baby is a genius!

The Re-Introduction to Bora (and Aunt Robyn!)

Friday, October 10, 2008


This isn't the greatest video (Renae's actually talking to her dad on the phone), but it's funny because it's the second or third time that he's wanted to eat a lemon and it always ends the same!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Attempts to Catch the Early Walking Days...

...weren't too successful:

The backlighting on his head and the glowing hair - so sweet! But no video-evidence of steps :(

This one I think he actually takes steps, but those dear batteries just couldn't take it...!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Thanks Diana for the Pirate Book!

(I'm not sure if you can understand what I was telling Daniel; so let me tell you: I was saying that I hadn't even let Iris look at the book when we opened the package that afternoon because I knew Finn had to be the first to read his special pirate book from Diana.)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Package from Germany!

I'm still trying to find the camera - these are the last videos I uploaded and I sure hope I find it soon!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Baby's First Leaf Pile!

But first, a random puppy (from the road) visit!

And there's that rando puppy again.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Is it too dark? Hope you can see what's going on in this first one:

He's been "furniture-walking" for a few weeks now but it's so intermittent, we can't seem to catch it on video - and then he leaned on this piece of furniture, realised it was skiddy and then proceeded to move with it - surprising and delighting himself and us!

Baby's First (almost) Playground!

There are some pretty cute stills of this day in his online photo album, too.

The first time he sat in this swing and started swinging, he squealed with excitement for a minute or so!

The Big Slide:

The Ramp to the Baby Slide:

A Big Boy on the Baby Slide!

Monday, September 15, 2008

This is the first time Finn showed any interest in his stuffed toys
P.S. Happy Birthday, Grandpa K!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Oven Game

It's quite dark, but can you tell that Finn is playing a very methodical game with his plastic cups by placing them on one oven rack with one hand and then switching hands and switching racks, etc. Such a fun age where we see the wheels in his head turning!

Hot Pancake!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fittin' In

And I'm even wearing Papa's jacket that he wore when he was small!

Dips, Please?

This video captures a little more the typical series of events - Finn asks for a "dip", smiles with pleasure as he examines his dipped bread, touches it with is finger, smiles, touches it to his lips, looks at us with happiness, smiles, puts it in his mouth, smiles, savours it smiling, and then asks for another "dip"!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Do a little daaaaance...

(Does it look like Finn's the one bouncing? Because he was; Daniel was just bouncing/dancing to keep with the rhythm!)

My Favorite Cupboard!

I missed recording the initial squeals of delight as he swiftly removed the first tupperware items from the shelves:

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Close behind (hah, ha) in the footsteps of Anya:

We had to clean rocks out of his crease, if you know what I mean? :)

The ride home...

...from Great-Grandparents-Kowalsky's 60th Wedding Anniversary Celebration. He travels so well.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Look belooooow!

Things are insane here... will I ever get ahead again!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Most unlikely but very successful sleeping spot!

(unfortunately, no videos, but the pictures are too cute to miss:

there was much too much noise in the house with contractors and home renovators combined).

Friday, August 8, 2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Mom's Laundry is in MY bathtub!

We were hoping to catch some more end-over-teakettle action into the bin again, but of course, we just caught some normal cuteness instead:

Chubby Blueberry Bunny

Monday, August 4, 2008

"Swimming Pool" Bath!

This boy is used to wee baths in his handy (for his mother) rubbermaid bins. But on dad's watch, dad popped him in the real tub and hilarity ensued: the bath lasted over an hour and Finn thought he was in a swimming pool! (Jillian, this is what you missed seeing the night you came for supper - hope this helps a little!)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Scroooooll Down...

Looks like I missed a bunch of videos in July - we got 'em, I might as well post 'em! Here's a link to the first of many:

I'm being eaten by a boa... er, daddy?

Ahhhh Bumps

Finn always enjoys a buggy ride, but he enjoys it relatively quietly - until we deliberately drive over the bumps...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008

2 Steps forward...

We started out dragging him back on his tummy and it was fun the whole time - even when we looked more closely at the sheet and noticed little red smears - Finn must have bit his lip slightly and rubbed it down the sheet as he slid... Funny thing was though, he showed zero signs of distress!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The sounds, the sounds, what, what the sounds!

These sounds have been characteristic of month 13 and finally we succeeded in getting them on video:

Monday, July 14, 2008

Happy Hiccups!

I was feeding mama, but now I'm just being sweet:

(I stopped posting videos because Cam and Jennifer are in Canada - but then I realised that when we aren't together, they are still in Medicine Hat and Lethbridge is still 1.5 hours away! So here's to more posts):

Friday, July 4, 2008

Baby's First Wagon Ride!

In Grandpa K's specially refurbished little red wagon!

Countdown: Grandparents Barbour will be flying from the states tonight and arriving in Calgary this evening in Calgary! Whooo weeee!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Baby's (and Mama's) First Writing on Stone Park!

Just pictures, this post; I guess we're mentally winding down with videos because Grandpa and Grandma B get to see me in person soon!!!

(We went on Sunday... still feeling icky - but we figured sitting in an enclosed space (car) with air conditioning was nicer than sitting at home without it?)

Countdown: 3 more days until Grandparents-Barbour are in Canada!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Dad has sniffed me out!

Countdown: 6 more days until Grandparents-Barbour are back in Canada!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Finn's Favoritest Birthday Present Ever!

Sad to say, soon after this video, it became clear that the gut fireworks weren't over yet... Baby Finn explored the depths of reverse peristalsis alongside his hapless mother for the next 12 hours. Happy Birthday!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Short (accidental) clip of 3 babies... so cute...

...until baby Finn got the stomach flu from one of them...

Babies, babies, everywhere!

Fights ensue over Great-Grandpa Luman's wonderful rocking-horse:


Thanks, Auntie Jill, for my stacking Tupperware buckets!

And Auntie Leina and Uncle Joe for my awesome toque that Auntie Cara made!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Baby's First Birthday!

Hi Grandpa and Grandma in Germany; thanks for your phone message on my birthday! - Finn

Friday, June 13, 2008

Baby's First Puppy... Interaction!

Finn meets Solveigh's last puppy from her last batch ever...

But the puppy wants to play with Finn and this is Finn's face when the puppy gets too playful...

Play it by Ear

(He had been getting increasingly antsy - until he found his ear:)

Stair-Master, I climb stairs faster!

(This is Finn's first attempt at stairs. The stairs at our house are barely passable by us (SO dirty), so Finn attacked with gusto the stairs at his Grandparents-Kowalsky's house. His next feat a few hours later was climbing all 14! Way to go Finn!)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Comin' to help Papa!

(Finn loves "air toys", he always sucks on his bath toys and loves it when we squeeze air into his mouth. Here we are trying just that with Great-Grandma Bergstrom's turkey baster!)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Splash-time, Bath-time!

A(n Increasingly Rare) Tanuki Sighting!

(the "walk" I mentioned ended up a 2.5 hour walk - on a lovely spring morning down in the river valley. Finn slept through an hour of it :)

(The tanuiki sightings are increasingly rare because the tanuki suit is getting too small!)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Friday, May 2, 2008

Guess what I like to do at 11:30pm?

Finn was teething with his second tooth and woke inconsolable at 10:45pm. We gave him some Tylenol, but he didn't settle until after midnight, yet he was surprisingly mobile for a little boy in pain!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My Own Piano

I just missed capturing on video the delight that brightened his face when, minutes before, he first touched the keys and realised that he had made the sound.

A game of Achoooo!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Breakfast Menagerie


"Bonk" Game that Great-Grandma taught me:

Dancing for Breakfast.

Papa shows Finn how it's done:

One little wiggle (he does it all the time, even laying down, but it's difficult to catch):

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

There's a Baby Pterodactyl in the Kitchen!

(Finn's been screeching like this quite frequently as of late - and stops immediately when I pull out the silver electronic eye, so this clandestine take is only a close example, and gets the idea across, but I 'd sure like to get some real footage of the baby pterodactyl in my house: we'll keep you posted!)

Hat's Off!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I can pull myself up!

I surprised my parents and Aunt Robyn when I did this last week IN the bathtub, but I was sick and didn't want to do it again. (In fact, I cried a little bit.) But look! I surprised them again when I was playing in front of my bathtub after my bath and just pulled myself up like a big boy!

German Psychedelic Bath Ducks from Grandparents Barbour!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Bathtub Makes Me Happy (and Thirsty!)

This is the first time all day that mom has heard a happy sound from my lips. I sure don't feel good when I'm sick - except when I'm in the bathtub:

This bath is NOT dolphin safe!

Sick or not, Finn loves his evening bath and keeps surprising us by completely cheering up (after an usually fussy suppertime) for about 25 minutes while he splashes in his "tub" every night.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Hair of Care-olyn

The Barbour siblings gathered in Lethbridge this past Saturday, hours before Robyn's final concert with the Lethbridge Singers. A lovely time ensued. Finn, on the verge of a cold, enjoyed the attention from his aunts:

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

German* Morning Nap

(To say the least, it's been a challenge during our basement construction to find a relatively quiet place for Finn's naps. Now that it's warming up outside, the back deck proved to be the most brilliant solution.... Until they started using their power saws outside, and woke him early into his afternoon nap... Aaarrrrggg!)

(*I say "German" because when we were there for Christmas, we were told that babies are often bundled up and set outside (the weather is like Vancouver's) to get fresh air while they nap).

Friday, March 14, 2008

If you look closely...

..there is discernible movement!

Basket Case

Finn was playing today at the kitchen table with a basket full of toys and when I came back into the room, he was enamoured, as always, with the basket, but he'd pulled it over his head and was looking through the slats:

I tried to catch him pulling the basket back onto his head, but in this video, he just talks to it: this video he just eats it:

...and in this video he almost does it!

But not quite.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Wheelbarrow ride.

(Our alley looks like it could belong in a developing country)!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008

The Beginnings of Mobility - in Reverse.

Quite candidly speaking...

(The buzzing in the background is the pneumatic chisel the contractors are using to remove our crumbling foundation in the basement).

Revenge on Bora!

(Bora discovered the playpen that Finn's been sleeping in and decided at 2:30am that it looked much more comfortable that her spot on the futon. Crying ensued. Finn takes his revenge the next morning by disposing of her bowl of catfood! I see how things around the house will have to change a bit as he becomes more mobile...)

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Bathed in Sunshine

Mom had the real tub full of twigs (I think she's hoping they'll make flowers earlier), so I needed a bath and they just filled up this big black plastic bin and set me in a square of sunshine on the kitchen floor. It was fun!

Morning Chores are My Favorite!

Every morning when mom makes the bed, she makes it with me in it! I like Saturdays best because my dad's home, too (and so he could record us).

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My Mama is Crazy

(As seen in this video, it's so hard to get him to talk when the camera's in front of him! He is quite a chatter box...)

(So, I tried a new strategy - random video footage as I worked in the kitchen, and the audio from the camera finally picked up his sweet sounds!)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Bestest Morning Ever

(Tuesday mornings Finn gets to see both his parents when he wakes because Renae drives Daniel to work so she can have the car for the day.)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I get to hang out with my craaaazy Aunt Robyn every Wednesday afternoon so my mom can go for a swim. I was doing some interesting pirouettes in my jolly jumper.

Washing Dishes, er... Babies?

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Baby's First Toboganning!

For my first toboggan ride, mom and I rode down the hill at the Sugar Bowl on the aluminum disk that mom and dad found while walking in Puyallup, WA, one spring day with Grandma B. It went dissapointingly slow, but it was perfect for my first ride.

For my second trip, Greg and Laura Thiessen loaned mom their plastic blue disk and boy were we in for a surprise! I think mom almost wet her snowpants!

Then Dad took me down. Such fun! I love toboganning!

It tuckered me out, though. After this ride, I apparently fell fast asleep.

Bottles are for Babies!

(Daniel and I are going out Thursday evening and Robyn and Shelly are Finn's first evening babysitters. Finn always nurses to sleep at night so in order to hopefully facilitate more of these evenings, we succumbed and tried Finn on a bottle (granted, with water):)

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Baby's First Rice Rusk! (and first finger food, for that matter)

(it was his SECOND rice rusk, really, as the first was in the shopping cart at Superstore)...

Monday, January 28, 2008

Video Archive: Finn's First Bath!

It is astounding to see the change in an infant from 7 months! I came across this video while perusing old pictures that other family members had taken of Finn's birth-day.
LINK: Finn's First Bath

Friday, January 25, 2008

Once I work off this six pack...

Learning Sign Language is Funny.

(Of course, I was laughing more before the camera came, but, well, you know how it works!)

P.S. Do you like the amount of carrots that I have on my cheeks and up my nose?

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Friday, January 18, 2008

Playtime with Crazy Aunt Robyn

Happy Birthday, Grandma B!

Though separated by an ocean, Finn celebrates on Grandma's behalf (whilst sitting for the first time in Great-Grandpa Luman's special chair - see pictures of it on Finn's picture site).

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Thrill as inhuman Luman amazes his meat-parents with his newly acquired skill!

(Parental note: Renae had a friend with her two sons over for lunch, one of whom (Keegan) is a month older than Finn and delightfully vocal. Finn's new noises (nearly identical to Keegan's) surfaced soon after the guests had left.)

(Excuse the pride-ful shirt; it was a gift; indeed, only God is "awesome"...)